Sunday, May 4, 2008

Major League Baseball games played Saturday, May 3, 2008: A complete slate of fifteen games played Saturday produced one ejection.

In Anaheim, California, where the Los Angeles Angels hosted the Baltimore Orioles, home plate umpire Paul Emmel ejected Angels left fielder Garret Anderson in the bottom of the 7th inning after Anderson flipped his bat high into the air following a called third strike. The Angels were leading 2-1 at the time of the ejection and ended up winning by a score of 3-1. You can access the box score at this link, while wraps from are available here (featuring video of the ejection) and here. Additional coverage is available from The Orange County Register; The Los Angeles Times; The Los Angeles Daily News; The Baltimore Sun; The Washington Post; and The Associated Press.

Credit umpire Paul Emmel with an ejection -- his third of the season and his second of this week -- and adjust your Umpire Fantasy League standings accordingly.

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