Monday, July 30, 2007

Major League Baseball games played Sunday, July 29, 2007: A full slate of 15 games played Sunday produced a single ejection.

In Seattle, where the Mariners hosted the Oakland Athletics, first base umpire Mark Carlson ejected Mariners first baseman Richie Sexson in the top of the 6th inning after Sexson argued just a bit too much over Carlson's call that Sexson's foot lost contact with first base, allowing the first A's batter of that half inning to reach base on an infield single. The Mariners ended up winning the game by a score of 14-10. You can access the box score at this link, while wraps from are available here and here. Additional coverage is available from The Seattle Times; The Seattle Post-Intelligencer; The Oakland Tribune; The San Francisco Chronicle; and The Associated Press.

Credit first base umpire Mark Carlson with an ejection -- his second of the season -- and adjust your Umpire Fantasy League standings accordingly.

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