Monday, July 23, 2007

Major League Baseball games played Sunday, July 22, 2007: A complete slate of 15 games played Sunday produced a total of three ejections.

As I previously noted here, in yesterday afternoon's game between the Seattle Mariners at the Toronto Blue Jays, home plate umpire Chad Fairchild -- a 2007 minor league call-up umpire -- ejected Mariners manager John McLaren in the bottom of the 5th inning for arguing balls and strikes. The Blue Jays ended up scoring 5 runs in that half-inning and went on to win the game by a score of 8-0. You can access the box score at this link, while wraps from are available here and here. also provides a report headlined "McLaren receives first ejection; Skipper tossed in fifth inning for arguing balls and strikes." Additional coverage is available from The Seattle Times; The Seattle Post-Intelligencer; The Toronto Globe and Mail; The Toronto Star; and The Associated Press. You can access related photos here and here.

And as I previously noted here, in yesterday afternoon's game between the Philadelphia Phillies at the San Diego Padres, home plate umpire Chris Guccione -- likewise a 2007 minor league call-up umpire -- in the bottom of the 5th inning ejected both Padres catcher Michael Barrett, for arguing a called third strike while batting, and Padres manager Bud Black, for having said the wrong words after having come to Barrett's defense. At the time of the ejections the Phillies were leading 4-0, and the final score was 9-0. You can access the box score at this link, while wraps from are available here and here. Additional coverage is available from The San Diego Union-Tribune (here and here); The Philadelphia Inquirer; The Philadelphia Daily News; and The Associated Press. You can view related photos here, here, and here.

Credit umpire Chris Guccione with two ejections (bringing his total for the season to three) and umpire Chad Fairchild with one ejection (giving him a total of four on the season), and adjust your Umpire Fantasy League standings accordingly.

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