Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Ejection in Houston! For arguing a blown call at first base that would have completed the double play and earned a victory for the visiting Philadelphia Phillies over the Houston Astros, first base umpire Lance Barksdale ejected Phillies manager Charlie Manuel. Replays showed that Astros left fielder Carlos Lee was out by half a step at first base after grounding into what replays showed to be a 6-4-3 double play, but Lee was called safe at first by Barksdale. The Phillies failure to record the double play at least temporarily deprived them of the victory by allowing the tying run to score, thereby sending the game into extra innings with a score of 4-4.

You can access the box score at this link.

Credit first base umpire Lance Barksdale with one ejection and adjust your Umpire Fantasy League standings accordingly.

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