Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Major League Baseball games played Tuesday, June 26, 2007: A full slate of 15 games played last night produced only a single ejection.

In Minneapolis, where the Minnesota Twins hosted the Toronto Blue Jays, home plate umpire Mike Winters ejected Twins manager Ron Gardenhire between the bottom of the 7th inning and the top of the 8th inning for arguing that Blue Jays catcher Gregg Zaun had failed to apply the tag on Twins center fielder Torii Hunter, who was attempting to turn designated hitter Mike Redmond's fly out to right field into a sacrifice fly. Instead, Winters called Hunter out at home, for an inning-ending double play. You can view a related photo at this link. According to a wrap of the game from, in post-game comments "Gardenhire admitted that Winters made the correct call."

The Twins needed 12 innings to win the game by a score of 2-1. You can access the box score of the game at this link, while wraps from are available here and here. Other coverage of the game is available from The Minneapolis Star Tribune; The St. Paul Pioneer Press; The Toronto Globe and Mail; The Toronto Star; and The Associated Press.

Credit home plate umpire Mike Winters with one ejection and adjust your Umpire Fantasy League standings accordingly.

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