Thursday, June 28, 2007

Frank Thomas's 500th home run is outta here, and 8 innings later so is Frank Thomas: In the 1st inning of this afternoon's contest between the Toronto Blue Jays at the Minnesota Twins, Blue Jays designated hitter Frank Thomas hit the 500th home run of his career.

Yet being the most recent member of the illustrious "500 club" does not give one free rein to argue balls and strikes, as home plate umpire Mark Wegner was apparently all to happy to remind Thomas after a called strike three to record the first out in the top of the 9th inning. Not wanting Thomas to be too lonely in the clubhouse, Blue Jays manager John Gibbons was ejected by Wegner immediately thereafter. The Blue Jays lost the game 8-5. You can access the box score at this link, while wraps are available from here and here. You can view a photo of the second ejection at this link.

Credit home plate umpire Mark Wegner with two ejections and adjust your Umpire Fantasy League standings accordingly.

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