Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ejections in Baltimore! The Baltimore Orioles hosted the Washington Nationals at Oriole Park at Camden Yards this evening, and in the bottom of the eighth inning first base umpire Ed Montague ejected both Orioles center fielder Jay Payton and Orioles manager Sam Perlozzo after ruling that Payton had offered the bat in attempting to bunt, thereby recording strike three and the first out of the inning, and failing to advance base runners on first and second. The failure to get the bunt down may have cost the Orioles at least one run, as the next batter was retired on a fly ball to left field. That run would have tied the game 2-2. Instead, the score remained 2-1 in favor of the Nationals, and the Nationals plated another run in the top of the ninth inning. The final score was 3-1 in favor of the team from the District of Columbia.

You can access the box score at this link, while wraps are available here and here. In addition, The Associated Press provides this report.

Credit Ed Montague with two ejections and adjust your umpire fantasy league standings accordingly.

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