Sunday, April 27, 2008

Major League Baseball games played Saturday, April 26, 2008: An American League day-night double-header in Chicago resulted in sixteen games played on Saturday. And those sixteen games yielded a single ejection.

In Cleveland, where the Indians hosted the New York Yankees, second base umpire Derryl Cousins ejected Indians manager Eric Wedge in the bottom of the 8th inning for arguing too vociferously over a blown call that Cousins had made. Cousins called out an Indians base runner on a force out at second base although, as replays showed, the Yankees fielder who took the throw at second base never had control of the ball while he was on the bag. The game was tied 3-3 at the time of the ejection, but the Indians went on to win 4-3 in the bottom of the 9th. You can access the box score at this link, while wraps from are available here and here. You can view related photos here and here. Additional coverage is available from The Cleveland Plain Dealer; The New York Times; The New York Daily News; The New York Post; and The Associated Press.

Credit umpire Derryl Cousins with an ejection -- his first of the season -- and adjust your Umpire Fantasy League standings accordingly.

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